Preview Environments for every Pull Request

Spin up Preview Environments for every Pull Request without duplicating all microservices. Use Preview URLs to test from Web and Mobile frontends.
Integrate Signadot with your CI pipelines to create Sandboxes for every Pull Request. Leverage Sandbox Preview URLs to validate Pull Requests end-to-end from Web and Mobile frontends. Share Preview URLs with stakeholders such as product managers, QE teams and UX designers to get early feedback on code changes.

/ preview from mobile and web

Set the Sandbox routing key as a request header using a Chrome extension or from your Mobile App and test user flows that access the "under test" versions of services in Sandboxes.

example of lines of code
male and female coders working on a computer

/ share previews with stakeholders

Share Preview URLs with product managers and other stakeholders to get early feedback on product features as they are being built and iterate 10x faster.

/ collaborate across microservices

Link Sandboxes to test/preview features that span multiple microservices across multiple PRs. Collaborate on new APIs as they are being built without having to wait until dependent APIs are merged.

programmers sitting at a desk

/ take signadot for a whirl

Learn more about how to scale pre-merge testing with microservices