Previews for every Pull Request

Spin up Previews for every Pull Request without duplicating all microservices. Test End-to-End User Flows from Web and Mobile frontends.

Set up Previews in minutes!

Integrate Signadot with your CI pipelines to spin up Sandboxes for every Pull Request. Access Previews from Web and Mobile Frontends by simply setting a request header using the Chrome Extension.

Create a Sandbox

Integrate the Signadot CLI as a step in your Pull Request CI pipeline. Use the CLI to spin up Sandboxes that encapsulate shadow deployments of Services in Kubernetes. Sandboxes enable isolated testing by dynamically routing requests.
Sandboxes allow multiple versions of Services to co-exist in a single Kubernetes cluster and enable isolated testing by dynamically routing requests based on request headers.
Read about how Sandboxes work
Fast to Start. Sandboxes only spin up minimal services and start up in seconds.
Save Costs. Support concurrent Previews across Engineering without duplicating infrastructure.
Simple UX. Provide a simple interface to developers that abstracts infrastructure concerns.

Access Previews

Enable Web and Mobile Previews of Pull Requests in your existing staging environment. Use your existing environment URLs and dynamically select specific Previews.
Web Previews
Use the Signadot Chrome extension to choose Sandboxes for Previews.
Mobile Previews
Access Previews by setting Sandbox routing keys in outgoing requests from your Mobile App.
Manual End-to-End Testing
Check critical user flows for every backend Pull Request.

Preview Multiple Pull Requests

Combine Sandboxes to Preview features across multiple Pull Requests. Share Previews with QA, Product Managers and UX Teams for early feedback on features under development.
Parallel Feature Development. Enable Preview of multiple features being developed in parallel without spinning up separate environments.
Collaborate across Teams. Create RouteGroups that encapsulate multiple Sandboxes and test across Service boundaries.
Acceptance Testing. Use Feature Previews to sign off on acceptance testing before releases.

Take Signadot for a whirl

Learn more about how to scale pre-merge testing with microservices