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Preview from Web Frontend


This feature is in beta. Please leave feedback via our community GitHub or Slack.

Signadot Chrome Extension (Chrome Web Store link) allows you to preview changes corresponding to your chosen Sandbox or Route Group over self-hosted Ingress or Load Balancer URLs. It works by adding Routing Key headers to all requests originating from the browser, and is an alternative method to preview your changes without using the preview endpoints.

  • Authentication: To use the extension, you must be logged in to Signadot ( Once logged in, the extension displays a list of Sandboxes and Route Groups linked to your Signadot organization for you to choose from.
  • Enable/Disable feature: A toggle button is available to turn header injection ON or OFF.

Headers set by the extension

The below headers are set by the extension (shown with sample values):

baggage: sd-routing-key=vf0ju8vw50wpu
ot-baggage-sd-routing-key: vf0ju8vw50wpu
tracestate: sd-routing-key=vf0ju8vw50wpu
uberctx-sd-routing-key: vf0ju8vw50wpu