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Preview Endpoints

Endpoints are one interface to access services running in a sandbox for collaboration. Once a sandbox has been set up, a convenient way to send requests to our test workloads is through endpoints. Endpoints are hosted by the Signadot Control Plane, providing authentication, and proxying of requests into the sandbox's associated cluster.

Endpoints can point to workloads/services running within Kubernetes, or to a URL external to (but accessible from) the Kubernetes cluster, depending on where the test requests are to be sent.

One or more endpoints can be defined as part of the defaultRouteGroup in the sandbox specification, and when the Sandbox is created, a URL corresponding to each endpoint is returned in the response. When requests are sent to these URLs, the context corresponding to the particular sandbox they are associated with gets added automatically, which enables them to route requests to/through test workloads in the sandbox.

Learn More

For more details on how to set endpoints up, refer to the Preview URLs reference.